Please do not use this form if you have a gmail address.
There some issue which prevents delivery.
Please use my contact email link at the bottom of this page.

Saunders Recorders

Ordering Page

The results of filling this form are emailed and read by a human!
I hope that this page is now easier to use with a touch screen.
Full details of the way I work are here.

I need to know the information asked for in the starred form boxes.
You cannot make payment through this page.
DO NOT type in card information anywhere.
Card services are now discontinued.
I will contact you. Your reply is essential.

DO NOT use your 'Enter' / 'Return' / 'Go' key in a box.
This action will submit the form, completed or not.
It will fail but you can go back a page in your browser.
Your entries should still be there.

SCROLL or TAB to different fields.

The 'SEND ORDER' button is at the bottom of this panel.

ORDER DETAILS . . . Product items already entered may be removed or changed.

Please quote the product code and brief description, including the size, in the boxes below. As my business is virtually closed very few items are available. Please check my recorder price list and my current stock list for the availability of accessories and other items.

* Order - Product 1 - Please Supply :-

*Quantity (this default quantity may be changed) :-

* Order - Product 2 - Please Supply :-

*Quantity (this default quantity may be changed) :-

* Order - Product 3 - Please Supply :-

*Quantity (this default quantity may be changed) :-

   Order - More than three different items...


(Size limited boxes.)

This is not an https 'secure' site. If this concerns you please provide only a nick name and country. All your address (and payment) details can be handled via email or PayPal.

Your (title) and Name :-

Address - Line 1

Address - Line 2

Address - Line 3

Delivery Address - Line 4 (Postcode)

* Country:-
Please type in your country if not UK.

Phone (not 'required' but useful in case email fails) :-
A mobile phone number is useful for delivery tracking sevices.                       


Minimum First Class UK postage (per parcel) is :-
for most recorders or, for music or books

Collection (between 8.00am and 9.00pm) may be made from :-

17 Collingwood Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 6PD

If you wish to collect your order in person
Please enter 'c' here to stop me making a delivery charge.    

Enter a date and time convenient to you in the comments box below.

Preferred Payment Method :-


   Add information or raise a query
(optional, unlimited space... make me smile) :-

You found me via a

Orders sent successfully produce a 'Thank You' message.
A blue screen is the result of a failure.
New contacts will also get an instant automated email reply.
Please keep a look out for my personal email reply.
Some systems are set to flag unexpected mail as 'spam'.
Check your Spam and Junk folders.
My reply will probably have an attachment.
If you are a new contact I cannot act without your response.

Thank you. John Everingham.


Your order information is stored locally and will not be passed on.
Please enter 'y' here to register your agreement.
REQUIRED by new regulations.

For a full privacy statement please click this link. PRIVACY STATEMENT.

* Email address   

ESSENTIAL ! Do not press 'Enter'. Use 'SEND ORDER' button, below.

An invalid address will produce blue screen with an error message.
If this happens, go back in your browser and re-enter your email address.
Be sure to clear any blank space from the start of the box.
If the mail box is 'unavailable' you will never get my reply!

If your device does not produce the expected response please email me directly using the link below. Please check your SPAM or JUNK FOLDER. My mail may not arrive in your inbox if I am not already in your address book.

My reply will come from this address.


To change or cancel an order already sent, return to this page.
Enter the product details with signed quantities,
eg. '-1' to remove or '+1' to add a single item.
Please put any additional info in the 'Comment' box.
(You will not receive an automated email reply.)

© Saunders Recorders